Woodward’s Kasen Boren – Football Spotlight

Kasen Boren

There are people in each of our lives that can have an impact on who we become. These role models serve as an example to the person that we want to become. Kasen Boren has a few of those people in his life and he knows that they have helped shape who he is. 

“My dad would be one of my biggest role models,” he said. “He has shown me how hard work pays off. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get what and where you want in life. 

Also, my eighth grade history teacher, Mr. Stevens has made the biggest impact in my life. He was fun and relatable. You always knew he cared about each of his students.”

Boren is a senior at Woodward High School, where he is a four year starter for the football team. And he is also a member of the baseball team. Outside of sports, he is also a member of the National Honor Society. Kasen also takes AP and college classes as a junior. 

There has been a lot of time and effort that Kasen has invested in becoming a better athlete. He says that it is all about putting in the work and staying focused. 

“Practicing on my own time, lifting weights and lots of repetitions have helped me grow as an athlete,” he said. “Being part of a team and competing motivates me. My family pushing me to be the best on and off the field also motivates me.”

Another group that has helped him become a better athlete are his teammates. 

“I enjoy working with my brother, Kollin the most in practice,” Boren said. “He works hard but I want to push him to be the best player he can be. I think the offensive line is the least appreciated group on the team. They are young and work hard but don’t get the recognition they deserve.

Those that know Boren well will tell you he is more than just an athlete. He is quiet, shy, and always does the right thing. He is always there to help a friend without any hesitation and he is truly a good person. 

Woodward head football coach, Ken Gordon says that Boren is the ideal athlete that you would want on your team.

“He is a great kid and a great teammate,” Gordon said. “He is very quiet and leads by example, works hard and is relentless everyday in the weight room and on the field. He is also a really good football player.”

Whenever he and his teammates step out on the field to compete, Boren knows that he is playing for more than just himself. 

“It means a lot to represent my school and community,” he said. “We have some of the best supporters around. We have the best fans that travel near and far for us. Teachers, parents and community members help out with whatever we need.”