Timberlake’s Karson Shepard – Football Spotlight – Presented by Gateway Banking

Winning a state championship in football is the dream of every player. As a freshman Karson Shepard experienced this excitement with his Timberlake High School team. Karson, now a senior, is ready to experience the thrill of victory again.

Football and powerlifting have taught him hard work and dedication. Using these traits along with athletic skill, another championship could be in reach for Karson and the Timberlake Tigers. Karson is a three-year starter who plays center and linebacker for his team. There is one thing he wants the most his senior year. “I want to win another state championship,” says Karson. 

Head coach Severin is a 31-year veteran at THS. Coach Severin says Karson is a 4.0 student who is hard working andvery coachable. The respect is mutual as Karson says coach Severin is his favorite teacher.

Karson is proud to represent his school as a student athlete playing in front of his community. Their support for the THS football team is strong. Karson’s favorite part of being on a team are, “the memories I have with all the guys,” he says.

Karson is thankful to his parents for always pushing him to be his best. It was his dad who got him started in football. “In second grade when they didn’t have enough for the third and fourth team, my dad made me play up,” he says. This early experience playing with older kids gave Karson the challenge he needed to push himself to compete.

The professional athlete Karson admires is quarterback, Tom Brady. The teammate he looks up to is Avery Wallace. He learned a lot from Avery playing linebacker beside him when he was a sophomore. 

Karson says there is one piece of advice that has stuck with him. “If you’re not first, you’re last,” he said.

The people who inspire him most are his grandparents. “My grandparents have always inspired me to work hard at everything in life,” says Karson.

Off the football field Karson is a regular kid who enjoys family trips to the mountains and eating chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes. In addition to playing football, he is also active in the Timberlake FFA chapter.