Oklahoma Bible Academy’s Courtney Colby-Tucker – Volleyball Mom Spotlight – Presented by Jenkins & Price Facility Solutions 

High school athletes put in a lot of time in order to be their best. But behind every one of those athletes is someone who is invested in them being their best and helping them achieve that in whatever way they can. Courtney Colby-Tucker is the mother of Brianna Colby, who is a member of the Oklahoma Bible Academy volleyball team. Courtney does whatever she can to help out with the team.

“I attend every single game and tournament that I can,” she said. “I also volunteered to be the ‘team mom’ for volleyball last year and this year. This entails organizing all our team events, tournaments, parent volunteerism, logistics, and communication efforts so all everything runs smoothly and we take great care of the girls. I also volunteer to work the school concessions stand at athletic events. I am also a local business sponsor for OBA’s athletic booster club.”

Helping her daughter be the best student athlete she can be is really important to Courtney. 

“We talk about priorities all the time,” she said. “Academics always comes first, and sports are second. But even more than that, we prioritize our faith and family above all else. When we continue to remind ourselves of what’s most important in life, everything else falls into place.”

Courtney knew from early on that she wanted her kids to attend OBA. She says that knew that would get an all around great experience there. 

“I knew I wanted to send my kids to OBA from the moment I learned about the school,” she stated. “I visited there many years ago and spoke with a student who shared with me how the school staff were amazing and treated the students with dignity and respect, and like young adults. I love how the teachers are such strong role models and take a heartfelt interest in the spiritual, academic, and athletic upbringing of our children. We are truly one family, and I love how I can lean on any faculty or fellow parent for support, or encouragement.”