Oklahoma Bible Academy’s Brianna Colby – Volleyball Spotlight – Presented by Jenkins & Price Facility Solutions

There are times throughout an athlete’s career that they have a struggle or just have a hard time staying focused. While these times may not always be something major, it is helpful to have people around you to help you and keep you working hard. Brianna Colby has a great support system that she can lean on. 

“A lot of things motivate me in my life but the biggest ones are my brothers, my teammates, and my love for the Lord,” she said. “My family has always been very competitive when it comes to literally anything so my big brothers have always been a source of motivation for me in sports.”

Brianna is a senior at Oklahoma Bible Academy, where she is a member of the volleyball, basketball, and track teams. Outside of sports, she also serves as Student Council president. 

Colby has done a lot to become the player and person that she is today. She knows you have to be willing to work to be successful.

“It has taken a lot of hard work, accountability, and knowing when to listen,” she said. “There were times during practice or games where I just wanted to stop and not give a hundred percent of my effort, but that’s where I had to push through and remind myself I have other teammates relying on me and they deserve more than a teammate who only gives half effort. Accountability is an important one to me because I’m very hard on myself when it comes to the things I love. So when I made mistakes during games or practice I had to be honest with myself and realize what I was doing wrong so I could fix it. My coaches are a big reason why my team and I are so successful, but that’s only because I was willing to listen and be coachable.”

Out of all the team’s that she and her teammates face throughout the season, Brianna says that there is one that stands out as her favorite.

“Chisholm’s volleyball team is definitely my favorite team to play against,” she said. “It is mainly because the energy of both student sections can be amazing.”