Diego Lopez is a 17-year-old senior at Okeene High School with a 3.8 grade point average. He is involved with his school as Student Council Vice President, National Honor Society Secretary, FCLA, FFA and FCA Treasurer. He runs cross-country and track for the Whippets.
Lopez tried several sports like football and basketball but settled on track. He is a 3-year qualifier for the Class A state cross-country championship. He was named an All-Stater this year finishing 7th with a time of 17:30. He is the first male athlete at Okeene High School to make All-State in cross-country. Lopez had an interesting perspective on his achievement. He talked openly about his failures to achieve his goal prior to this year. His failures have inspired him to be his best. In track, Lopez runs the distance races, the 2-mile relay, 2 miles and the 1 mile. He has earned medals at State in all 3 events. He looks forward to the opening of track season. His coach, Tim Allen, talked about Lopez’s work ethic, how responsible he was, and that he always gives 100%. He called Lopez “an incredible kid.”
Lopez talked with me about the importance of Summer Pride. He mentioned Coach Khan leading the summer workouts. Coach Khan always open with a Bible reading and it taught Lopez to be more open about his faith.
Lopez is a part of FFA and is involved with Ag mechanics. His FFA group was Reserve Champions at the Enid District for a project sorting lambs and baby calves. He enjoys group activities with other students.
The Okeene FCA Huddle meets for lunch each month. The group is about 40 in size and is important to Lopez. They attend FCA Game Days. Huddle leader, Reese Brickman, talked about Lopez being a young man of character and one that leads with enthusiasm. He has helped a lot of students.
Lopez has multiple track scholarship offers available to him, but for now he wants to attend OSU IT in Okmulgee and become an electrician. He works with an electrician in the summer and understands the work and likes the idea of becoming his own boss in northwest Oklahoma someday.
Lopez has had a hard life. Lopez talked about his “failures in the past have inspired him to be his best” He understands he is no different than anyone else. He claims he has to work hard and set himself a future.
As I sat and talked with Diego, I realized this young man has taken on a lot of responsibility. Not only at school, but at home with his family. He got my attention with his maturity and his ability to use his experiences to better himself. Diego Lopez is a young man I want to follow and see where life takes him. His faith and attitude will make it a memorable journey.