Enid Teacher Caitlin Evans – Presented by Rick’s Pharmacy

By Jay Hoberecht

Caitlin Evans is the head of the English Department at Enid High School.  She teaches freshman English that includes reading Romeo and Juliet, The Hunger Games and Odyssey.  Plus, she is married to a policeman, has three children (twin daughters, Allyson and Adalie, 10 and Braden, 7.  And, she volunteers with the Enid High School wrestling program.  Oh, she is also pursuing her Masters of Educational Leadership through Northwestern Oklahoma State University.  She wants to be a principal.

Mrs. Evans remembers an incident in first grade.  Her teacher was reading a book.  Evans corrected her pronunciation of a word and the teacher replied, “Well, maybe you should be the teacher.”  A seed was planted.  Caitlin loved school!  She was involved with band and was in National Honor Society at Enid High School.  Dr. Mackey and Dr. Hawkins, Northwestern OSU professors had an impact on her becoming a teacher providing guidance and affirmation.

One of the interesting things Mrs. Evans said was she thinks “she helps students more than they want to help themselves.”  She loves the interaction with students.  Sometimes the students just want to “chill”!  Seldom does that happen in her class.  She doesn’t allow phones in her class and she does not allow students to randomly stand up and walk around.  Sounds like a good learning environment!

I asked Mrs. Evans what advice she would give a ninth grader about being successful in high school.  She thought for a moment and talked about two main things.  One, listen to adults you trust.  They have a wealth of experience.  Two, choose your friends wisely.  She also added, “treat others as you want to be treated.”

I saved the best for last!  Mrs. Evans is part of the TLC program at Enid High School.  The program provides department heads time each day to devout to connecting, coaching and building relationship with others teachers in their department.  There are 15 teachers in the English Department and the program promotes growth and inspiration for teachers.  EHS Principal Craig Liddell likes the program and thinks it will have a big impact on the school.

Teaching is such a special career!  I had a great senior English teacher.  Mrs. Evans almost made me want to go back to school.  Just almost!  She definitely makes a difference!