Woodward’s Kari Terry – Teacher Spotlight – Presented by Advanced Real Estate Advisors

Kari Terry enjoys being a teacher. She says that she has wanted to be in the education field for as long as she can remember. And she attributes that to some special people in her life. 

“I come from a long line of educators and I have always felt called to be in education,” she said. “I grew up watching my mother as an educator and it was amazing to see the impact she had and still has on the children she taught. She was a huge inspiration for me in choosing to be in education. I have always enjoyed teaching and instructing children whether it be in the classroom or teaching them a sport.”

Terry teaches Algebra I and III at Woodward High School. She also serves as the eighth grade softball coach and the varsity girls golf coach. 

Being a teacher is rewarding for Kari because she is able to make an impact on the lives of the next generation. She is also thankful for those teachers that made a difference in her life when she was a student. 

“I truly love being an educator because we are given a platform to be a positive influence in students’ lives. I love getting to see the look on a student’s face when they start to understand a concept or a player who finally starts seeing their potential. I was blessed with some really incredible educators while I was in school. From elementary, to middle school, to high school, each of them helped me become who I am.”

Throughout her years of teaching, Kari has been given numerous bits of advice. She says that there is one that still sticks with her to this day. 

“The best advice I have received is to never judge a student based on the opinions of the teachers they had before you,” she said. “Every year is a new start for each student. The slate is wiped clean. The students appreciate the fresh start and the respect you give them at the beginning of each year. Their past school year shouldn’t affect their new one.”

When she is not teaching, Terry enjoys spending time with her family. She and her husband Cale have two kids, Landyn and Blakelynn.