Woodward’s Beth Baker – Teacher Spotlight – Presented by Advanced Real Estate Advisors

Teachers invest a lot of time and effort so that their students receive the best education possible. But even with all that preparation, things can go off the rails or get stressful at times. Beth Baker is a teacher at Woodward High School and she says that there is a piece of advice that she was given that has helped her through times like this.

“Some of the best advice I have ever received was that some days things won’t work out how you planned, but it’s how you handle those days that matter,” she stated. 

Baker is in her seventh year at WHS. She teaches Algebra I and an ACT Math Prep Class. She says that the thing that pushed her to enter the educational field were her children, but she enjoys so many parts of it. 
 “I decided to become a teacher after having my children,” she said. “I loved being able to teach them and help them. One thing that I really enjoy about being a teacher is making connections with students. I teach math. Which is the subject most of them hate, but we do so much more than learn math. We are a family in my classroom and that’s what I love the most.”

Beth also says something that influenced her decision were the teachers that she had as a student. 

“There are many teachers that had an impact on me as a student,” she said. “But Mrs. Cheryl Lucas, my 3rd grade teacher, was my favorite. She was always kind and positive and cared about her students long after she had them in the classroom.”  

As a teacher at WHS, Beth says that she is surrounded by outstanding teachers that are there for one another.

“Woodward High School is full of wonderful teachers,” she said. “We work together and support each other. I am proud to teach there.”

When she is not in the classroom teaching, Beth enjoys spending time with her husband, Jason, and their three boys, Sammy, Bastion, and Jack.