Boise City’s Ridge Arthaud – Football Spotlight – Presented by On The Square Bakery & Coffeehouse 

Ridge Arthaud, a standout football player from Boise City High School, brings a unique blend of rural grit and athletic dedication to the field. Ridge’s football journey began somewhat unconventionally. “I grew up as a farm boy and was homeschooled through all my elementary years. I started going to Boise City my eighth-grade year, and that was when I started playing football.”

Inspired by his older brothers, Ridge followed in their footsteps. “They have always inspired me and have been great examples of athletes and all-around Christian men to me,” he said. This familial influence is a cornerstone of Ridge’s approach to both life and football.

This season, Ridge is optimistic about the team’s dynamics despite the challenges ahead. “We’ve definitely had our ups and downs, but for the most part, I think everyone has a pretty good outlook on the upcoming season. We had a couple key players graduate, but we’re excited about some of the new freshmen talent coming up.”

Ridge plays a crucial role on his team. “Offensively, I am the main running back, so my job is to pound the ball down the field every play. As the main linebacker, I am essentially the quarterback of the defense. I have to get tackles, but I also get the signals from the coaches and make sure everyone knows what to do.” His preparation is both physical and mental. “My preparation is lots of practice, but mental preparation is paramount. It’s knowing that I have to do my best, not for my own gain, but for my teammates and most importantly, for the glory of God.”

A memorable moment for Ridge came in a hard-fought game last year. “Buffalo had us on our heels most of the game, but we stopped them in the red zone time after time and didn’t let them score until late in the 4th.”

Looking ahead, Ridge’s priorities extend beyond football. “I don’t know exactly where I’ll be, but I hope that I will be serving Christ wherever I am at. In five years, I should be close to graduating college and will hopefully be getting ready to start a family.”

Community support is a pillar for Ridge and his team. “We are extremely fortunate to have a network of parents and alum who take very good care of us by fixing us meals multiple times a week and encouraging us by filling the stands on Fridays, even on many away games.”

For younger players, Ridge advises, “Trust in Christ, be humble and enjoy the grind. If you don’t enjoy work, you’re going to have a miserable life. Christ has given us something to work for, and that is His glory.”