Kingfisher’s Scout Snodgrass – FCA Spotlight – Presented by Slater Mechanical

Scout Snodgrass…a leader at Kingfisher High!

By Jay Hoberecht

Scout Snodgrass is a 16-year old junior at Kingfisher High School.  Yes, she was named after Atticus Finch’s daughter, Scout, in the 1960 Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird.  Scout is involved in Student Council, National Honor Society, FCA and running.  

Scout is an athlete and a competitor.  She is fast!  According to her track coach, Kerri Lafferty, Scout is a “special athlete”.  She gives her all, all the time and is developing into a leader for a young Kingfisher track program.  She runs cross country and track and has qualified for state for her freshman and sophomore years.  She thrives on the good feeling you have after accomplishing a goal.  Last year, her 4X8 relay established school records at the regional and the state meets (Snodgrass, Kinley Taylor, Mattie Slezickey and Lily Lunsford, 9:48.17).  Scout is working hard this summer with Summer Pride and running in AAU meets. She will be competing in the Junior Olympic in July.  She talked about building her endurance for the cross country season.

Scout loves animals and wants to be a veterinarian.  When I interviewed Scout, Champ, her Golden Retriever, was close by.  And, then there was Izzy, the family shiatsu dog checking out the interview.

Scout is involved in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at KHS.  In fact, FCA is held each Wednesday night at the Snodgrass home.  The huddle leader is Aniessa Edsall .  She calls Scout “high energy, a hard worker and fun.”  Scout went to the FCA Extreme Camp at Cross Point on Lake Texhoma for the first time this summer.  She called camp “so much fun!”  She has gone to Falls Creek several years but likes the activity and competition at FCA Camp.  She talked about praying before and after each activity, big or small.  “Rock-Up!”

I asked Scout what advice she might give an eighth grader entering high school.   She paused and thought a moment.  She replied, “Be yourself and find friends who like you for yourself.”  She went on to say that you have to have a positive mindset and be disciplined.

It is going to be exciting to see what Scout Snodgrass accomplishes in her junior and senior years at Kingfisher High School.  She seems to be highly motivated to be the best version of herself in life and sports.  Mark it down!  Follow-up article her senior year.